Are You, Dear Proposal Writer, Ready For The Metaverse?

There’s a tsunami coming. Can you hear it? Can you feel it?

Be prepared for utter devastation.

Unless you prepare yourself in other ways. In which case you will be perfectly positioned to ride a fantastic wave of opportunities.

The Metaverse – sometimes called a 3-D internet – is going to redefine practically everything. Nothing will be sacred. Nothing will be outrageous or impossible. And like everything else, the world of proposal writing will change drastically.

And the proposal writer who hasn’t prepared is in for tough times.

In this article, I list a few things that could happen and a few suggestions for you. I’d like to encourage you to find out more on your own. I am not going to spoon-feed you.

Let’s begin at the beginning.

  • First, read up about the Blockchain. What is it? What are its principles? Just because it smells of technology is no reason why you can’t take the time and trouble to understand how it works at a high level. Check out terms like “decentralized”, “encryption”, “hash”, “block”, “mining”, “immutable”, “Proof of Work”, “Proof of Stake” and so on. These are terms you need to know because they will enter proposal-parlance directly or indirectly. Find out about various blockchains. Check out Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on. Spend a day. Spend a month. But understand it. And then take some more time to understand who has started using blockchain for their business and why. How will you respond to an RFP that asks for a blockchain-based solution for a business problem?
  • Next, understand cryptocurrency. This is the next layer. What are the names of various cryptocurrencies? How many are there? Why are they different? What are digital wallets? Under what circumstances are cryptocurrencies used? Imagine an RFP that says that payments will be made in a cryptocurrency. Are you and your organization ready for it? Would YOU accept cryptocurrency for your services? And while you are at it, read up about scams that happen using cryptocurrencies.
  • And then, check out the principle of Non-Fungible tokens (NFTs). What is a token? How do you create an NFT? How do you buy and sell them using cryptocurrencies? What if an RFP involves NFT commerce or creation of NFTs? Would you know what to do or are you hoping an SME will fill in the blanks? Why in the world would Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sell for about $29 million as an NFT? There’s got to be a reason, other than insanity. Do check.
  • And now, explore the concept of a Metaverse. Why did Facebook rename itself Meta? Find the metaverses out there. How do you enter them? What kinds of immersive experiences can you have? Can you conduct commerce within the Metaverse? What does it mean to buy, sell and rent virtual land in a Metaverse? Someone asks you to submit a proposal to set up a series of stores in the Metaverse. That would be exciting!

What if an RFP arrives that involves doing something IN a metaverse? Perhaps an IT solution. Perhaps a government tender seeking designing and implementing virtual tourism. Or maybe someone wants you to organize a series of events in the Metaverse. Or perhaps to prepare a proposal for a solution that drifts between a metaverse and “real” life. Think about it.

There’s no doubt that organizations will move towards the Metaverse first with some hesitation and then with enthusiasm. Check out what Nike and many others are doing there.

Things will get tricky sooner rather than later.
If the company exists wholly or partly in the metaverse, how will you handle
1. Writing an RFP and
2. Responding to one?

I expect the entire proposal process to dramatically change over the next few years.

1. Some organizations asking for proposals will be virtual.

2. Crafting the RFP will happen by teams in the Metaverse

3. Responding to an RFP will involve teams meeting in the metaverse and deciding how to go
about it.

4. Perhaps the submission will happen to a virtual organization in the Metaverse. The proposal
may not be in written form alone. What forms might it take? Your proposal will be tied to a
blockchain, preventing plagiarism.

5. Proposal evaluation will be on the Metaverse by virtual entities, using Artificial Intelligence.

6. Proposal Writers will exist virtually in the Metaverse, as avatars with significant artificial
intelligence. Your proposal manager will exist in Metaverse.

7. Your interviews may be conducted in the Metaverse.

8. Training and certification will happen in the Metaverse. Payment will be in cryptocurrencies.

9. Presentations will be virtual. You may attend one or give one, using VR headsets.

I hope I got a reaction from you, good or bad. Maybe I missed something obvious. Maybe you feel I need help.

I plan to move to the Metaverse and conduct panel discussions with proposal writer avatars there.

Will you be one of them? Write to me.

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